The XYZ Incident

Author notes



From the immediate standpoint, Daemon-1995 can't see any threats in her vicinity but she can definitely see two Hydro-Hallucinstasis Pods overflowing with a clumpy mix of bright crimson and dark cardinal blood. Daemon-1995 swore she saw a brain chunk as well.

The pipes sticking out of the side of the Pods, where oxygen is supposed to be flowing, blood is instead leaking from it.

Daemon-1995 grows wearily nervous about her fellow Daemons, even though she doesn't know them personally, she feels obligated to free them whether or not they are alive - it's only right that they don't have their final resting place in some kind of water.

Maybe, through all the blood and slush, they could be alive!

She highly doubts it, but is still hopeful.

At the same time, she doesn't exactly understand the situation at hand. Hell, she doesn't even know her OWN name! Maybe a quick look at that terminal over there may satisfied a answer or two?


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