This Ego of Mine

61 ~ Inferiority complex

Author notes

61 ~ Inferiority complex


Whoo, this one took alot out of me. Autobiographical comics are pretty personal stuff, at least in my case. I had intended this strip to be an "I don't care what you say" directed at some people who've said or done some pretty vicious things to me. (It happens to everyone) Surprisingly, instead of getting over that crap, drawing this just made me dwell on it. I couldn't even bring myself to actually draw the people this is aimed at, it was weird and depressing stuff. But here you have it!
Yeahhh. One was a cadet parent who, as mentioned in Strip #8 has a long history of making fun of me. But really, she goes too far sometimes. There's no need to call me a whore for wearing dress shirts & slacks. So, fuck her. =D
That helped.



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