Thumbs Up to the Continuum

A Taste of What's to Come

Author notes

A Taste of What's to Come


Hiya! My name is Julian, and I’ll be providing the visual delights during this voyage. I am seventeen years old and currently live in a non-disclosed location. This is for the safety of others as much as my own. If you see Lil’ Tony, tell him I’ll get the dough to him. Tell him I’m good for it and, if you’re feeling really altruistic, ask him to not break my knees. Again.
I also happen to be the one responsible for Albright. Whether or not that is a credit to me, I leave for the reader to decide.
Insane? I prefer to think of it as ‘colorfully eccentric’.
I have been drawing since for a good ten years now but only recently acquired a miniscule smidgeon of talent. For the better part of my life I was drawing demons and monsters. My canvasses would see many horrors of grand proportions and usually the “plot” of these misadventures involved quite a few deaths. I may or may not have drawn the inspiration for these scenes from my family life.
I’d like to say I have grown as a person since those times but, alas, that would be a dire lie. Not all of my ideas are deadly to my characters, and you might even say some of my drawings are happy or even “cartooney” in nature. Well, believe whatever you want; I’m still quite mad.

Now that we’ve been properly introduced I’ll tell you a bit about the comic. Thumbs Up to the Continuum (T.U.C) has been carefully designed to stimulate you visually and mentally and bring your mind up to the next level. Though this is completely untrue, I say it with the utmost conviction.
There will be many guest stars in this comic from many popular video games, though let it be known that video game humor is not the sole purpose of this enterprise. This is a tale of people, real and imaginary, sane and wacky, lovable and repulsive. This tale shall begin, as all great ones do, with a boy meeting a girl. Then, the narrative will spiral completely out of control and… I’m getting ahead of myself.
Before I blow the whole plot and reveal a slew of the deepest secrets, I take my leave. Fear not, however, for I shall be heard from again. Aren’t we glad?




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