Thumbs Up to the Continuum

A Splendid Promotional Poster

Author notes

A Splendid Promotional Poster


Now that I have your attention, avid readers, and the unpleasantries of last month have been by-passed: Here's a little piece of art done by my amazingly talented brother. What's more, this number serves as the cover illustration for the book I wrote (which is now available on! heeehee). It's called The Rebirth of Rhin, and I am the man who CRAFTED it with my bare, typing fingers. They bled. It wasn't pretty.

Quick note, the Copyright for this illustration belongs to my brother (and thus, me - ! - by association). It may not be used/reproduced/sold etc without my explicit permission. Thank you for tolerating the legalities.

If any of the you who see this page would like a dandy-riffic fantasy epic summer-novel to read, then check for that title on I say "summer-novel", but it'll be just as good during, say, the winter season– honest!

So far, it's doing pretty well. Racked up a couple o' sales. By "a couple" I mean "bazillions!" and by "bazillions!" I mean "1 1/2…" :) Now you don't know where I'm coming from.
If you need a gift for that special someone, or your kids, or your boss, or your grammie who revels a good read (I know mine sure does) scope it out… No pressure though, I leave the decision entirely in your able hands, gentlepeople.

Just know, this is the first of many projects for me. Already I toil diligently on the sequel, as well as many other completely different stories. The point I try to make is, I am no "one show pony" as the cliche goes. And that's something you won't find in my work: cliches! Hate 'em. I support the death penalty for cliches. F'fin freeloader sonzabitches. Pttooie! (spittle sound effect).

Have a good one.
Yours Maniacally,

Albright (a.k.a Mr. J Traas, a.k.a The Dude, a.k.a The Best Damned Author On Earth, a.k.a the Linguist of Doom)

P.S.: I fabricated those last two titles. Call it "writer's license".


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