Thunder Roarer

Will no one think of the ink?

Author notes

Will no one think of the ink?


Oh lordy, this was an intensive page. I drew part of the pencils at home, back in Alaska, and part on the plane down to Montana, which seems to be on fire. I painted the page between classes at university. A major problem was that I had termination dust at home to refernce, but none down here, so the snow might be off.

I, personally, like Eveline. She's kind of round and cute, but she presents challenges because she's not comic book woman pretty (which, by the by, I seem to be a lot better at now, but I'm not changing her design.) The change of direction of the wind is my little "time passes subtly" gimmick. I think I shall keep Tom's stubble a little longer, as it seems to be a vast improvement. Bonus points if you can spot the characters in the page, and not just at the bottom there.

(Hint - they're by the glacial erratics. It's not a giveaway, because not everyone knows what that means.)

I was highly amused by the reaction to Jacob on the last page. You know, I designed him to be kind of wierd, but I was definately not thinking heartthrob… Quite the opposite, in fact. Oh dear.


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