Touch and Go Tommy

Smudge pot

Author notes

Smudge pot


At the old school they would not spring for landing lights at the airport. The excuse was that they kept getting trashed by the snow plow.So instead if there were any flights out past dark they would set up smudge pots. For those of you too young to remember smudge pots they were round metal balls about the size of a bowling ball filled with some flamable liquid and a spout. They would then be lit and left at job sites at night to mark hazards. Battery technolgy has improved and now they use brighter safer battery lamps. But I digress. We would set up about six of these smudge pots as landing lights. They would burn all night and they were cheap! Unfotunatly they were a bitch to see from an airplane! Well here is my take on that practice. Got in trouble with the school about this one they didn't like the parents hearing about things like this.


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