248 - Lull

Author notes

248 - Lull

El Cid

Woody, puppet master extraordinaire, strikes again.

NOTES: As you may recall, Woody has been hitching a ride in the jet pack of that guard she's controlling. So, despite forcing him to kill himself, she was still in perfect striking position all along.

And as for Panzer getting blown up by the kill-crazy gun turret, just keep in mind the torrid events of page 244

Looks like the mooner plot is rolling right along despite the security goons' best efforts. Hopefully they'll get their act together before it's too late. Or not. Might be more fun to watch if they don't.

I thought this was a neat little video. It illustrates a speed comparison between some popular sci fi spacecraft. Ever wondered whether the Millennium Falcon could reach Alpha Centauri faster than the Rodger Young transport corvette from Starship Troopers? Which could reach the nearest galaxy faster, Spaceball 1 from Space Balls or the Planet Express from Futurama? Obviously, this has nothing to do with any kind of real science, but it's still pretty fun. Just for comparison, they even threw in boring old light, and a snail.

(and in case you're wondering, it takes a snail 300 quadrillion years to reach the nearest galaxy. Slow and steady wins the race!)


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