251 - Infiltration

Author notes

251 - Infiltration

El Cid

I forgot to mention it on the previous page, but I thought it was worth pointing out that the guards' armor apparently is capable of stopping at least low velocity bullets, as demonstrated when Zamora uses her dead comrade as a human shield. It always bugged me in Star Wars that the stormtroopers' armor didn't do squat against blaster bolts, which are only the most common weapon on the Star Wars battlefield! So, yes, their armor isn't entirely useless.

Interestingly enough though, you may notice (from the bullet holes) that Panzer's armor is not all that effective against the guards' weapons. Pretty surprising, given that the German word 'panzer' roughly translates to 'armor' in English (that's right, I have Google Translate and I am far too lazy to cross-reference!). I guess that's one benefit of being on a suicide mission: It's okay to scrimp on protective gear!

So, what are those crafty mooners up to? You'll find out in exactly seven pages. Oh, the innumerable splendors of working with a page buffer!

Normally, I would have some sort of science blurb here, or a behind-the-scenes feature, but today I need to take this time to alert the world to an absolute travesty which must be exposed forthwith. Like so many other humans, I occasionally peruse the virtual bazaar known as Amazon dot com in search of bargains and trinkets and such. As it so happens, I recently realized there was one thing and one thing alone which I needed above all else: A marble bust of the emperor Caligula!

So, I boogied on down to Amazon dot com, hoping to find a lengthy list of Roman emperor busts to choose from, and what did I find? The only Caligula statue they had was THIS atrocity:

Seriously, Amazon? THIS is all you've got?! A Caligula flower planter?! I don't even know what to say about this, like is there an actual confluence of people who are interested in decorative indoor horticulture AND collecting busts of ancient Roman strongmen? Is that an actual niche? Disgraceful! I have officially lost all faith in humankind. I'm packing up my belongings and heading to the mountains. So long, civilization! Thanks for all the fish!

On second thought, I live in Houston. There are no mountains. I'll sit tight, for now. But I will shake my fist in disgust. This is not over, Amazon dot com… if that's even your real name. Just you wait and see!


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