257 - Trouble In Paradise

Author notes

257 - Trouble In Paradise

El Cid

This just in: Disney is planning a new Star Wars trilogy revolving around Greedo. It's a gripping tale of Greedo's rough-and-tumble youth growing up on the mean streets of Mos Espa, Tatooine. It chronicles his harrowing descent into darkness, fast spaceships and faster women, a path which ultimately leads him to totally shoot first at Han Solo in the Mos Eisley cantina. To reserve your advance tickets, send your money to… actually, yunno what, I'm not even gonna tell you where to send it. YOU find us, and then YOU figure out how much you wanna pay. Spoiler alert: It's ALL of your money. Hand it over!

In other news, I posted a page today. So, it looks like the Captain isn't going anywhere. Thankfully, Benny's on the job, so this problem will definitely be taken care of before it gets any more out of hand. Definitely.

Believe it or not, I'm actually working on the final four pages of this train wreck right now. Well, not literally right now; literally right now I'm either drunk or asleep or both, but I am finally wrapping this thing up. It will still be a while in real time because there's some page buffer to work through, but the end is in sight. So you have that to look forward to. You can look forward to this story ending. You lucky thing, you!

(of course, there's still the whole remainder of the larger story… which I really need to find a way of wrapping up quickly… but that is another matter altogether!)


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