258 - Countdown

Author notes

258 - Countdown

El Cid

The animation is (obviously) not canon. I'm using these alien characters for a Drunk Duck Awards presentation I'm working on, and for whatever reason the thought occurred to me just how weird would they look getting it on with a human. This is the outcome of exploring that rabbit hole. The animations were all done super quick, because initially I was just doing this to give myself a chuckle… but I thought it turned out decently well, so I rendered up this higher quality version. Hopefully it made you giggle. Or puke. I'd be happy with either!

Anonymous dock worker characters hanging out by the soon-to-be-blasting engines. Don't bother getting too attached; you know what kind of life expectancy these two have!

It was brought up in the comments section on the previous page that just maybe Benny isn't very good at her job. I think there might be something to that! I didn't necessarily write her character with the intention of her being a woefully inept commander… but there's no ignoring the fact that the mooners have clearly run circles around her this entire time. It's always cool when readers notice something about the characters that I didn't realize!

So, it looks like the good people of Nova Dagon have run out of time. With their last ditch gun defenses under mooner control, there's nothing left to do but sit back and watch the fireworks. Tune in next week to see what happens next. Things will be heating up, literally!


Just in case there's any confusion, no Captain Savage is not inside one of the rocket engines. Those orange glowy effects are supposed to be some kind of emergency lighting, and little specks of dust and debris being illuminated. That, or sparks from something that was broken during the Captain and Ula's zero-gee throwdown. Who knows! Honestly, I just wanted the scene to look dramatic, so I dialed up the lighting effects accordingly. Yes, I do actually try to make art here from time to time!


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