261 - Full Collapse

Author notes

261 - Full Collapse

El Cid

More carnage and catastrophe. I just had to include at least a couple panels to remind us that there are people inside the colony getting rocked by all this as well. Other than that, it's basically just a bridge page. I was going to title it Bridgey McBridgeface, but I thought better of it. Because it's not a good title. For anything.

In the interest of shortening the page count, I've done some selective editing. I've removed panels here and there, consolidated multiple pages into less pages, all that jazz. So you'll notice in the last two panels that it looks like Benny's command center is in even more disarray than when last we left it. I decided to not bother with the panels where Benny et al are being flung around while the station breaks up around them a la Star Trek. I figured the readers can piece together what happens, if they notice at all, and it really wasn't all that interesting or necessary to begin with. Sure, there'd be a cliffhanger or two where the page ends with you wondering Who Got Smooshed By That Falling Steel Beam? but there's enough already going on that I don't think I need to artificially generate any added drama with cheap tricks like that.

And the cuts have paid off btw, as I'm currently working on the final two panels of the very last page of this story. So, yay! for cutting corners!


Wait, so… let me get this straight: These jerks are smart enough to build giant spinning habitats orbiting out in space… but they can't build simple earthquake-proof buildings?! This seems implausible.

Hey, I have a destruction quota to make! Let's just pretend like those buildings were built by an unscrupulous construction company who did everything on the cheap. I mean, it's not like they were actually expecting something like this to ever happen! What could possibly go wrong, right?!

Click the image to view larger version

I had an idea for a Drunk Duck Awards extra that would have picked up from where the Tatooine cantina skit left off, with a series of increasingly ominous and cringe-inducing Twitter posts as Cpt. Savage tours the seedy side of the Star Wars universe with Greedo. But the idea ran out of steam almost as soon as it started. However, since I did take the time to model a Greedo prop head, I'm at least going to share this with you! You can click on the image to see a larger version.

Speaking of the Drunk Duck Awards, Transneptunian received two awards so far, which is already more than I expected. The ceremony is still ongoing, so be sure to tune in. There have been some really impressive presentations so far this year!


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