265 - Recovery

Author notes

265 - Recovery

El Cid

Arnold Schwarzenegger voice: “Consider this a divorce!” “Let off some steam, Bennett!”

“Hasta la vista, baby!”

Okay, that's enough of that. If you were expecting some last ditch tooth-and-nail catfight between a one-armed zombie Ula and Captain Savage, I'm sorry to disappoint. It's one of many things that didn't make the final cut.

Speaking of final cuts, that “thanks for nothing” line is sort of an inside joke that I cut out some of the stuff that gave Benny more of a purpose in the story. You also be wondering why it's suddenly flooding where Benny is, and the sprinklers are suddenly turned on. I have no explanation to offer you there! It just felt more dramatic, is all.

On the next page, everyone gets together and bakes muffins. Muffins of doom, that is.

I thought this was pretty neat. Japan recently landed two rovers on the asteroid Ryugu and in addition to lots of useful science, the rovers have sent back some pictures and even this short 15 frame video. It shows a 1 hour time lapse of the sun from the asteroid's gravely surface.

Because of the low gravity, it's not practical to get around by driving, so the rovers actually hop to get from one spot to another. The photos they've snapped of Ryugu aren't nearly as exciting and imagination-grabbing as those from the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, but that's to be expected. It's just a floating pile of rubble in space and it looks like it. Still, it's amazing that we're even able to pull stuff like this off!

Okay, that's all for today. Check back in a couple days for muffins, so many muffins!


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