271 - Deliverance

Author notes

271 - Deliverance

El Cid

* It's worth remembering that our 'Insertion Burn' protagonist ("James") has used poisoning before to get rid of people who were in his way. He seems to be something of a serial poisoner… what's the male equivalent of a "black widow?" Well, whatever that is, that's him.

Sorry for skipping out on updating last week. My dad, in one of his endearing bouts of spontaneity, rode his motorcycle across three states to pay us a visit, so I ended up spending much of the week doing family type stuff. I still could have squeezed some updates in, but just decided I'd wait until things are back to semi-normal.

I guess this page doesn't really need much in the way of commentary. The day is saved… somehow. What, you didn't really think I was going to have thousands of people get blowed up, did you!

There's still one more page to wrap this all up, and that should be posting later this week. Hey, if you've stuck around through all this, you might as well catch the ending! I'll see you then. Laterz!


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