272 - Futility

Author notes

272 - Futility

El Cid

Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion of 'Insertion Burn,' coming at you whenever this comic starts updating again (presumably 2019, but you never do know!). You can probably guess what will happen, but it should still be fun to watch.

And for those of you just now tuning in, 'Insertion Burn' is an ongoing bonus mini story that's been running through the Author's Notes in animated gif format. The first installment was way back on page 173, and there's a decent recap of the first leg of the series on page 225. When I eventually complete the series, I plan on mashing it all together into a video, though I'm pretty sure I can't post it on Youtube!

Okay, so that's the end of 'Birds of Prey.' I hope you enjoyed it. The ending intentionally does not answer all of your questions, like what exactly happens to Captain Savage and her crew, or with Benny and Governor Shelley. Did Ula's head survive? Is Captain Savage now a part of her own ship's operating system? You can feel free to fill in those blanks however you'd like.

And what's with those last few panels? So all that happened, and… now, officially NONE of it happened… and Blago Tethys squeezes his rubber ducky in rage? How does that have anything to do with anything? Well, like I said at the beginning, this mini story was thought up as a way to kill off some characters I introduced at the end of Chapter 1 who were later written out of the story. So it was all a big tangent, for the most part, though it did at least serve as a vehicle to introduce our villain Osprey. The strangely unresolved ending serves a purpose, but explaining that requires some spoilers:

At then end of Chapter 2, Jetta is abducted by some of Blago's goons and presumably being taken to meet their boss. As it plays out, she finds the eccentric cult leader distraught at his failure to instigate Armageddon on Triton. Osprey, meanwhile, is frustrated by her inability to account for humans' tenacity and deceit, and the failure of her prophecy to come true jeopardizes her standing among the mooner cult. Jetta takes advantage of the situation to win their confidence and convince them that she's willing to help them bring down the Commonwealth.

That is, at least, the way I have it planned out. I can't guarantee that the full story is going to survive rewrites, as EVERYTHING in this comic has been way overwritten up to this point. Even this pointless mini comic was 120 pages! I've already had to scrap the subplot with Manu and his kidnappers, and Jetta's war flashbacks, and so there's a good chance that a lot of this other stuff won't make the final cut either.

For right now though, I'm not worrying about any of that. As always at the end of a chapter, I'll be taking some time off from updating to work on what's coming up next. This may be a somewhat longer-than-usual break, because I'm also working on some other things that are not comics-related. So, if you haven't already, be sure to Favorite this comic, so you'll know when it starts updating again. 'Til then, I'll see you around the site!


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