### 03.3 Going Rogue

Author notes

### 03.3 Going Rogue

El Cid

Ho boy, trying to do animations in Blender has been PAINFUL!

I thought I'd figured out a slick method for smoothly exporting my animated Poser scenes, but I just ran into more roadblocks. Anyway, I did eventually manage to put this together. Not my best work, though that's mostly the animator's fault, not Blender's. I won't give up on Blender for animations just yet, as it's a fun learning challenge, and I've still only been using it for less than two months. I'm sure I'll get better with time.

This, of course, is a continuation of our ongoing 'Insertion Burn' animated series, which is very close to finishing up. It's kinda weird switching rendering engines right in the middle of it though, especially since I planned on splicing the whole thing together into one long video clip when it was all over and done with. I may try something else for my future Blender experiments and just finish the 'Insertion Burn' stuff in Carrara for consistency's sake?

Progress has gone well on this very brief mini chapter. I'm finishing up the last few pages of it right now; it's going to come in at a lightweight twenty-some pages. For the most part, I'm happy with how it's turning out. It's a good fast-paced reintroduction to Agent Six, a throwaway character who first appeared as a cameo in the first chapter but is now being shoe-horned back into the story.

As for my thoughts on Blender, after using it for almost two months now and putting an entire chapter together using it… Blender definitely has its issues, especially when it comes to being a bit of a resource hog at times, but overall I like the results I'm getting with it, and I see a lot of potential in it going forward. Most of all though, I'm still having fun learning its ins and outs, so I'll probably continue using it at least for the immediate future.

I don't have a solid date planned yet, but I plan to start posting the new pages as soon as I have the chapter finished. That'll probably be some time later this month. So, keep an eye out for future updates! I'll be seeing ya.


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