276 - The Last Time

Author notes

276 - The Last Time

El Cid

So I've finished all of the Insertion Burn animations; it's just a matter of posting them. They'll go up periodically as the chapter progresses. For anyone not familiar with it, Insertion Burn is an ongoing animated series I've been working on alongside the main comic. It tells the story of a less-than-heroic interplanetary fortune-seeker (“James”) and his quest to cash in on a valuable stolen space artifact. There's already a really good synopsis of the first two thirds of the story on page 225, and if the first animation in the series appeared way back on page 173. As for the current scenario, “James” is in the process of making off with his ill-gotten treasure, but the captain ferrying him out of the Saturnian system knows he's a wanted fugitive. To cover his tracks, he's poisoned her drink in an attempt to get rid of her.


There's definitely no foreshadowing going on in this page's scant dialogue. Those of you who recall Six's earlier introduction into the story back in Chapter 1 may be piecing together some of what's going on at this point, but it will all make sense in the end. And don't worry; this will make way from gratuitous fluid exchange to actual story type stuff in about a week or so. In the meantime, expect more of this! (sorry!)

The Duck does a good job highlighting some of the new and innovative titles that grace our site from time to time, but the more NSFW titles rarely get featured. So I'd like to take a moment to share a really… um… interesting comic I've been following lately. It's called 'Good Bear,' by Super-Bear-comics. It tells the story of a teddy bear brought to life in order to fight evil. Well, actually, there's a lot more to it than that; the first bear doesn't turn out so well. Despite what sounds like a straightforward enough premise, this comic goes super dark with its subject matter and takes us on a bizarre journey fraught with horrifying violence and existential dread. If you can get past the MS Paint artwork, this is a really fascinating horror fable, though it may be a bit on the disturbing side for most “vanilla” readers. If you're looking for something a bit more off the beaten path, give Good Bear a look. (NOTE: It's best read from the beginning; you won't get a full sense of its mythology and scope by diving straight into the more recent chapters).

Ookay, that's all folks. See ya laterz. There should be another two updates this week, as I try to plow through to the meat of this chapter.


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