280 - Slither

Author notes

280 - Slither

El Cid

Surprise, surprise, it's a dream sequence. No one saw that coming. I mean, you'd expect a move like that from a hack terrible writer, but never from me! Right?

So this chapter is all about reintroducing Agent Six, who first appeared back on page 14 as an afterthought character. His lovely companion Demia is in fact the doomed rocketeer woman who swooped in to attempt his rescue, but sadly instead found herself dismembered by Rana's bots. In this dream sequence, Six – who has been unconscious this whole time – is deliriously reminiscing about his lost love.

I know, it almost sounds like I'm setting up some type of hackneyed revenge narrative or something. I'd never do something like that!

Tune in next week when I totally won't be setting up a revenge narrative for Agent Six. Also, things are back to normal now so I'll just be doing the measly two updates per week again. It was fun while it lasted! See you later, peeps.


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