282 - Bodily Integrity

Author notes

282 - Bodily Integrity

El Cid

These guards are just barrels of fun. So, just to recap for those of you who missed Chapter 1 of the comic, Agent Six was on some kind of secret agent mission to bring down Rana Viracocha and her crime syndicate, but he was electro-zapped and captured in the process. And now it seems that Rana, who took a liking to the suave secret agent man, may have plans for him which don't involve slicing him in half with lasers. (though that's still not out of the question, either)

As for the “nasty little surprise” Guard Lady Number Two is talking about: Six was planning to zap Rana with some kind of unspecified dick weapon. I'm guessing it was a dick laser, because he's been known to use those in the past:


After tons of rewrites, it looks like I've finally settled on what's going to be the final version of this story. Believe it or not, there should be only three more major scenes left in the comic before it's all wrapped up… though it's worth keeping in mind, that whole 'Birds of Prey' story would be considered one scene under these criteria. So, while the story isn't exactly close to being finished, at least now I have a concrete idea as to where the horizon lies.

The bad news, of course, is that a lot of things had to be cut. In order to keep this from turning into an 800 page opus, I had to dial back a lot of the things I planned to do. I may, at some point, take the time to detail out all the changes that were made so you can at least see what I was thinking with some of the narrative choices I made early on. I did my best to make use of as much as I could, but some things – like Jetta and the ghosts of her wartime past – are going to be completely discarded.

And lastly, I'm not working on the video game currently. I spent multiple weeks learning the ins and outs of the Unreal gaming engine and mocking up a basic prototype of a level, but once I'd learned all the basic mechanics of how to put everything together, I sort of stalled out. With games, you really can't make it up as you go along; everything needs to be meticulously planned and programmed and tested and re-tested. While I had the idea that I wanted to do a basic proof-of-concept playable demo and a larger game after that, I hadn't bothered to plan any of it through in detail, or how the game mechanics are supposed to be, or any of that. So I basically found myself with no way to go forward until I devote a lot of time to planning and design, which I don't feel like doing right now. So, while I haven't necessarily abandoned the game altogether, if you don't hear any updates on it for a long time, that's because I'm not doing any more work on it right now.


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