286 - Haywire

Author notes

286 - Haywire

El Cid

Eep! Where are the warranty papers on that murderbot?! It is totally not murdering properly!

In that third panel, the bot is using some hyperagressive variant of captive bolt gun to split the woman's head open. I'll leave it to your imagination how that works, mechanically. It's tucked away somewhere behind its beady little robot eyeball, and when it grabs you the eye swivels out of the way and POW! Brain spillage! That's what it says in the user's manual: Pow, brain spillage, in Korean. No cleaning instructions included, though. Hmm.

It's probably not a coincidence that I wrote this scene not long after seeing one of those PETA videos about how they kill animals in slaughterhouses. I… honestly didn't see what the big deal was. Gory stuff, for sure, but where the heck did you think your meat was coming from? A hamburger tree?!

More to come.


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