293 - The Slip

Author notes

293 - The Slip

El Cid

Cue the 007 music. Dah dah, dah DAHHHHH!

Say what now? He was just chillin' in outer space with no spacesuit on? Uh, Cid, wouldn't he, like, die, or something?

I've already done at least two blurbs on what happens to you in space without a spacesuit. No, you don't explode. But yes, you do have all sorts of uncontrolled rupturing and evacuation of bowels, along with the boiling away of all your body fluids and mucous membranes. It's no picnic. You could survive maybe 90 seconds of exposure to hard vacuum, but that's about it.

HOWEVER, if you're a cyborg like Agent Six – particularly a cyborg with tailor-made augmentations to help you survive this sort of thing – then there's no telling how long you could survive in space without a spacesuit. Not indefinitely, of course, but longer than a couple minutes. Long enough for Six to pull off his daring rouse.

That's all for today, folks. I hope you had a great Memorial Day! See ya later!


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