296 - Funny Business

Author notes

296 - Funny Business

El Cid

And that concludes 'Insertion Burn,' at long last! This is easily the longest running animated series I've done. At one point, I was entertaining the idea of putting it all together into a single mega size mp4 movie file, but there's basically no place where I can host it. I did get the first two thirds of it converted so far, and it's over twenty minutes long (though there's some added stuff in there). All told, this would be like a thirty minute animated movie.

Also, sorry for not adding a 'THE END' screen at the end there. Originally there was going to be a final sequence where we see the 'James' character's body get incinerated by the engines on Captain Savage's spaceship, but that felt a bit grim so instead I ended it here, with Captain Savage making her vacation plans.

Hope you enjoyed the series! I'm honestly not sure if I'll ever attempt another series nearly as ambitious as this one, though I may still occasionally sneak in a random animated doo-dad here and there.

Here's a quick video I uploaded to BitChute of my video game thus far. I've never uploaded anything to a video hosting site before, so the quality sucks because I don't know what I'm doing. Also, I apologize for uploading to BitChute. No, I'm not thrilled about being shoulder-to-shoulder with videos about Jewish Ritual Murders, but I'm sort of annoyed with Youtube right now.


Well that's the end of the chapter, folks! Six is off to kick some boo-tay. Overall, I feel like this was one of the better chapters, in terms of pacing. I'd really like to continue doing shorter chapters rather than having them all drag on for like a hundred pages. The next chapter will finally have us returning to Manu, Abby, and Delilah (what, you think I forgot about them?!). It should be another short chapter like this one, and then there's just two (rather long) chapters remaining in the comic. At least that's the plan, but how often do things ever go to plan?!!

If you're a new reader and you want to get caught up before the next chapter, but you find the massive page count is daunting: don't fret! The last three chapters were all sort of retcons that, while interesting and fun to read, are not essential to the story. Go back to page 153 and you'll find an excellent Reader's Guide with links to the major high points of the comic thus far, as well as what you shouldn't bother reading. This comic will be inactive for a little while, as I always take a bit of a break before I start posting again after the end of a chapter. So now is a great time to get caught up before the next chapter goes up… in maybe a few months or so… if we're lucky!

Okay, see you around everybody! Thank you for reading the comic, and for the feedback. I'll be hard at work trying to make the next chapter the best one yet!


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