### 03.4 Rifts

Author notes

### 03.4 Rifts

El Cid

So, I guess I'm updating again? Sort of? Yeah, it's been a while. I can explain.

Well, a lot's happened… but a lot's ALWAYS happening… the main reason I fell so far behind was because I got sidetracked working on a side comic for a Drunk Duck anthology thing. It was supposed to be a short-and-sweet mini story but, like everything I do, it got out of hand and ended up running 35 pages long. Aaaaand, honestly, I'm not even sure if the anthology project will ever see the light of day.

BUT some good came out of it. I learned that I actually can do relatively short stories, and I really enjoy doing them. It's awesome being able to get a whole plot hammered out and produced in just a few months, rather than chiseling away at a magnum opus that takes YEARS to complete. I'm seriously envisioning this webcomic becoming more of a short story anthology series, with lots of shorter stories and just this one longer continuous storyline that gets new installments from time to time. If nothing else, it'll probably be easier to follow for new readers.

But for now at least, this next upcoming chapter will be part of the main storyline, as we finally catch up with Abby and Delilah, and find out what has become of Jetta's hapless boytoy Manu deep in the bowels of Triton's lawless Vol district. So, coming up, I should be posting a brief recap of the story's events thus far, and then we'll dive right in. I will warn you ahead of time that I have not finished the chapter yet, and there's not nearly as much of a page buffer as I normally like to work with. So, updates may not come at my usual steady pace.

Also, since finishing that long-ish anthology entry, I've kind of thought up a better short story for that project. So, depending on what's going on with that, I may end up posting the anthology comic here (an updated Adult version) and doing something else entirely for my entry. Haven't really made my mind up about that yet, but first things first! Hopefully that wasn't too much of a ramble. I'll get back in the swing of this, eventually. I always do.

See ya soon! (I hope!)


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