304 - Getting Ahead

Author notes

304 - Getting Ahead

El Cid

I have a smart, savvy audience, so you all probably recognized that the Lang Building is inspired by the classic sci fi film Minority Report, directed by Will Smith. And as in every great

Sorry to interrupt, but I'm here on official business.

Oh no, not the Plot Police again!

Actually, I'm with the Continuity Police. Completely separate department.

Oh, sorry. You guys all look alike. Uhh… not in a racist way, though.

It's okay, we get that all the time. So, it appears we may have a critical continuity violation in progress here. Can you tell me, where is Snoot?

Snoot? What the hell's a Snoot?

Snoot. Flying pink elephant guy, sorta looks like a muppet. I don't see him anywhere in this scene.

Pink elephant? Dude, you've got the wrong comic. There are definitely no flying pink elephant muppet characters here. Heh heh! Oh boy, how embarrassing!

No, I'm pretty sure when Abby and Delilah abducted Manu back in Chapter 1, they were accompanied by a winged pink muppet named Snoot. This guy…

Oh, right! You mean “Snoot!” Yeah! That guy! Of course I didn't forget about Snoot. He's… Snoot! Obviously. I mean, I wouldn't just completely forget one of my characters ever existed; that would be gross negligence!

Okay, good. So, where is he, exactly? I don't see him anywhere.

He's going to be in the scene at some point, right?



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