306 - Hack

Author notes

306 - Hack

El Cid

We did get a peek at Abby's mind hacking abilities much earlier in the story, when she showed Manu how easily she could recreate his recent memories just using his stored metadata and an emulator. It was one of the more failtastic portions of the comic, but it was important for later on to show that she had these abilities.

And, in case it's a bit confusing, mind hacking does not involve psychic powers or The Force or any other paranormal such-and-such. In The Future, people communicate and send and receive information through an array of devices directly embedded throughout their augmented nervous systems (often, but not always, in their brain, skull, or spine). They also interact with an immersive virtual/augmented reality called the metaverse, which has tons of applications, one of which being you can “be” in a certain place without physically being there. That was a random example I chose for no reason at all, obviously.

More to come! Stay safe, don't get sick, and if you're dumb enough to drink pool chemicals because you think it will cure the coronavirus you don't even have… you don't get to blame anyone but yourself when it kills you. Okay bye!


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