311 - Starstruck

Author notes

311 - Starstruck

El Cid

Now we see why Abby usually does most of the talking! Hmm, is it 'Abby,' or 'Abbie?' At times I think I remember spelling it one way and then the other. Speaking of which…

Have you ever remembered something that didn't happen? I'm sure we've all had this experience – what The Internet has popularly named The Manela Effect, because apparently a lot of people “remember” Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s… which I imagine would have made it difficult for him to serve as President of South Africa in the 1990s. Some of the more popular examples are people “remembering” Mr. Moneybags from the Monopoly board game wearing a top hat and a monocle… except he never wore a monocle, and people “remembering” the 'Berenstain Bears' books as being spelled 'Berenstein,' with an '-ein' instead of an '-ain.'

One interpretation of this is that this proves the existence of alternate universes. There's one universe where it's spelled 'Berenstein,' and one universe where it's spelled 'Berenstain,' and some of us have crossed over from one universe to another, like photons passing through a double slit experiment.

Anyway, so a few years ago, I wrote a blurb for this comic about Mars and Antarctica, and the similarities between the challenges of colonizing either one. And today I was going to write a follow-up article to that, sort of the way I did a follow-up to my 'Mars and Sasquatch' blurb a while back. But there's just one problem: Apparently I never wrote a 'Mars and Antarctica' blurb. It's weirding me out, because I very specifically remember writing that damn thing; I even remember the title font and the artwork I used. I remember writing it and posting it and thinking, 'That's a good article, Cid. People are going to read that and they're going to like it. They're going to like you, for writing it. It's going to make them think. Good job, Cid. Good job!' Except none of that happened. There's no article; I've checked everywhere. I've scoured my hard drive. I just never wrote the damned thing!

Okay, enough of that. Bye.

Oh btw, the gist of the lost blurb was that you could make a much better case for colonizing Antarctica than you could for colonizing Mars, because it's closer, easier to colonize, and has more resources. But we're not doing that any time soon, and we won't be living on Mars any time soon either. Okay bye for real now.


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