313 - Time to Kill

Author notes

313 - Time to Kill

El Cid

Hopefully those first two panels aren't too dark. They look fine on my monitor, but I never can tell how they'll look on yours.

And speaking of bad panels, those last two are a good example of why storyboarding ahead of time is a good idea. Because I didn't storyboard, and there were days between when I did the fourth and fifth panel, they ended up looking very similar to each other. I had some idea where the camera needed to be for each shot, but I didn't think about how they all sync up. I think in the movie biz, they call that “blocking?” Well, I've just provided a lesson in how to fail at blocking. Free of charge, you're welcome!

While this scene probably reads like a setup for a gratuitous sex scene, it's actually an integral moment for Abby's character. No, seriously, it is!

…and it's also a setup for a gratuitous sex scene. I have a quota I'm contractually obligated to meet for that sort of thing.

I'm too lazy to write a blurb, so here are some WIP shots of the elevator interior, since I showed you the exterior last time. Not much to see there; basically I start with a human figure for scale and build around her. The walls are duplicates, so I pretty just had to model one wall and then a floor and ceiling. Then, I work out the lighting, and last add some grungy textures. I'm not sure why the elevator looks all grungy since everything else in Rohan Govindu's place appears to be all clean and shiny and opulent… but it fit with the mood of the scene, so I ran with it.



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