314 - Naive

Author notes

314 - Naive

El Cid

Don't ask me what she's smoking, because I have no clue! Some kind of space weed?

It was a bit of a fail, but in that fourth panel, Abby's looking at the female thug's gun, laying invitingly on the table. Foreshadowing? Do I even know what foreshadowing is? Well, it's probably not foreshadowing, then.

If it's not obvious, I cut some dialogue from the first and third panels, because it really wasn't necessary. In the first panel, I mainly wanted the focus to be on the holster being unbuckled in the foreground, and dialogue would distract from that. The third panel, I felt that having no dialogue would let the visual sink in, and it sort of tells its own story visually anyway.

See ya laterz.


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