318 - Someone Has To Win

Author notes

318 - Someone Has To Win

El Cid

Hmm, that almost sounded like helpful advice…

This is the other half of the page I had to split up and redo, due to suckage. If you jump back and forth between this and the previous page, you can see how they line up with each other. The next few pages are basically just people having gross back room sex, but there is a bit of a “payoff” at the end which does both recast this encounter in a different light and have some significance in the upcoming “death bog” gauntlet (which it appears Abby has resigned herself to weather through). As for Delilah, we won't be checking in on her, sorry, but you'll see why we didn't.

Look, a blurb!

Have you ever wondered where the term “boner” comes from? Well, this blurb has nothing to do with that question and will shine no light on it. BUT did you know that most mammals do in fact have a bone in their penis, called a baculum? Well, too bad if you already knew, because I'm writing about it anyway. I'm writing about dicks.

So why don't humans have penis bones? Chimpanzees have them, and they're our nearest primate relative. One theory is that humans lost our dick bones because human copulation doesn't last long enough (about 5.4 minutes, on average) for us to need one. Mating sessions for other species can be truly epic. An Australian marsupial, the brown antenichus, is known to copulate for as long as 14 hours at a time (not surprisingly, the male often literally drops dead afterward). In some species, prolonged mating is actually an important reproductive strategy. Because the female is only receptive for a very short period of time, if a male can monopolize her for a long enough period then he drastically increases the likelihood that he'll be the one to father her offspring and not whoever gets his sloppy seconds. In humans, where female ovulation is an all-year occurrence, this mating strategy makes no sense, and so instead we've opted for mating frequently.


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