322 - Cardio

Author notes

322 - Cardio

El Cid

Oh, that Abby! She's almost convinced them she's actually enjoying this. Well, at least we're not fooled.

What's that? The sex scene is almost over? You mean, we'll actually be getting back to the story soon? Gee, I don't know how to feel about that. At this point, I've gotten comfortable just posting nudie pics every week. Oh well, back to the story it is, then. People like stories. Or so they tell me.

Lasers are ubiquitous in sci fi, but there are lots of alternatives to lasers, in case for some reason you want something flashier than a regular gunpowder firearm, but don't want your hero going blind from all those terawatt death rays bouncing all over the place. One idea I kinda like is a gun that fires little self-propelled missiles instead of bullets. The cool thing about a gun like that is that the bullets can be programmed to follow the target. Say, if a bad guy's hiding around a corner, you could tell the missile to launch just past the corner, rotate, and then accelerate full speed into the bad guy's forehead. Or, you could program it to aim for the bad guy's leg or his weapon.

As it turns out, something similar to this already exists, and it's called the gyrojet. The gyrojet were a series of pistols and “rifles,” developed in the 1960s, which fired rockets instead of bullets. They never caught on, though, for a number of reasons, the biggest being that they weren't very accurate. Also, they were pretty useless at close range, because the rocket has a very low muzzle velocity and needs to build up its speed. It's basically the exact opposite of a regular bullet, which exits the barrel at a high velocity and then starts slowing down. Despite its commercial failure, I don't think it was a totally useless idea. It's sort of the same story as with laser pistols: there's not much point in trying to make something that does the same job regular guns do, because regular guns are very good at doing regular gun things. But, like lasers, there are unique potential uses for a weapon like this. So don't be surprised if the gyrojet, or something like it, reemerges on the battlefield someday!


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