330 - Left Behind

Author notes

330 - Left Behind

El Cid

Hi all!

It's been almost a month since I last updated this comic, and there's a reason for that. Not a *good* reason, I'll admit, but a reason nonetheless. Without going into gruesome detail, I'll just say that I desperately needed to have the artwork for this chapter finished before August, or else it was going to become an unmanageable albatross for me, given all the other crap I'm doing. So for the past few weeks I've been laser focused on getting all the renders done for this chapter. And, as it so happens, I'm working on the very last page as we speak. So, mission accomplished, congratulations Cid.

You're probably wondering, why didn't I keep posting during this time, given that I obviously wouldn't be so careless as to not leave a page buffer for myself? Well, I *do* have a page buffer, but my buffer pages are always incomplete, and I go back and finish them before posting: cleaning up the artwork, adding dialogue and effects, etc. Doing that usually takes more time than it probably should, and I realized that trying to keep up an update schedule while rendering like mad would have been excruciating, and also would have slowed me down. So I stopped posting for a week… which turned into two weeks… which turned into three.

Anyway, I'm back at it now. The chapter is as good as finished, and updates should resume uninterrupted to the end of the chapter. Thank you for tolerating my flakiness!

Also, in case you didn't know, the Drunk Duck Awards are back this year and in full swing. I haven't been nearly as involved as I usually try to be, but I will help out with the judging. But more importantly, voting is open from now through August 8th, so be sure to cast your vote!

And also, I'm not really pushing this comic for a nomination this year. It seems to get a lot of nominations, but I'm sure the judges are sick of it. So if you know a more deserving comic, especially from a newer creator, please consider casting a vote for them instead. I think the DD Awards are a great way to encourage engagement with new creators.

Here's a link to the ballot below:


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