337 - Plunge

Author notes

337 - Plunge

El Cid

So, apparently it's bigoted to say that 2 + 2 = 4 now? When did this happen? I guess more people need to read 'Nineteen Eighty-Four!'

I'm trying not to do blurbs anymore, but I kinda feel like my predictions about science itself becoming balkanized are getting closer to coming true. Eek!

Anyway, in more pleasant news, no one died on this page. And Rohan apparently likes to pitch and catch at the same time. Good stuff, all! More to come beep boop.

*EDIT: Upon re-reading this, I'm realizing that it wasn't apparent at all that Abby and Delilah are trying to capture one of the camera bots. That's why Abby was annoyed that it landed in the swamp. Without that context, it sort of doesn't make any sense. Oh wells. Not gonna fix it.

Only three days left to vote for the Drunk Duck Awards, so hopefully you've either already voted or you've spent this time deeply considering who you're voting for. As for me, I've decided to base my vote purely on favoritism and festering perceived slights. So if you ever used the word 'moist' in a comment here before, it's coming back to bite you, baby!


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