Transcending Noumenons

Author notes

Page 13
felrece onApologies for the discolouration of the knight's cape in the 2nd and 3rd panels. I forgot to change them when I enlarged it so I had to do a newb-fix because redoing it all again really wasn't an appealing idea.
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Login or RegisterHighwind017 at
I'd though he would update by now, Then i reconised he said that in 2009…
Bugger. >_>
Tinala at
Onoz no more? ;w;
HeeroYui at
Joo lies. :P
felrece at
@HeeroYui: Sorry for the lateness, my final examinations just finished a few days ago and was takin' a break from doin' anything and just relaxin. xD
Anyway, I'm wokrin' on it now and upload another 5-10 pages or so.
HeeroYui at
Uhm, mind telling us when/if you are gonna update? o_o;
King Tristan IV at
Ouch!!!!….that was a LUCKY HIT!! thats all
xyclone12 at
needs moar of this! XD
Kaolyne at
Aye me word!
Kamon159Studios at
Zerolimits at
sorry just wanted to add that
Reika at
eeek XO
Hoshiko at
Oh noes! D: