So… yeah. In biggest news, we got, like, fourteen inches of snow last night. Hooray! Hopefully school will be off for tomorrow! (And if it isn't, I will flippin' snap somebody's neck down at the Board of Ed. We've got a foot and a half of snow on the ground, with broken tree branches, ice and slush on the road, and who knows how many unplowed parking lots, and you're still going to force kids to go to school so they can fill out worksheets? I think not.)
In other biggest news, yesterday was my birthday. I'm now sixteen years old. Again, hooray. We went to the Auto Show down at the convention center during the day (none of the companies had anything especially daring coming out this year– except for maybe the twins Pontiac Solstice and Saturn Sky, both of which look kind of the same, but still somewhat exciting), but we got an awesome selection of schwag. (Schwag, for those unfamiliar with the concepts of conventions like these, refers to free items given out by vendors: pencils, keychains, T-shirts, that sort of thing.) I managed to score a Blues Brothers DVD off of the 103.1 booth, but my sister and her friend Sarah topped my efforts by trading a Mercedes-Benz baseball cap and a 102.7 JACK FM T-shirt for a set of German cleaning chamois that would have normally cost $20.00. Trading free stuff for stuff that costs money? Jilly has reached schwag nirvana. I am so taking her to San Diego this summer.
Anyways, we also ate dinner at a place called the Sputnik Cafe, up in Crownsville, MD. If ever you're in the area, and want a dining experience that's different from anything you've ever tried before, but still awesome, go to the Sputnik. And get the tea. Tell 'em Jay sent you!
This week's update gives us a more detailed shot of the stage *in color*, plus it reintroduces an old character from Page 24, Eddy Lytenyng (formerly of supergroup Lytenyng and the Shock). I found Eddy especially fun to draw and write for. He's got this long, lanky, almost Jack Skellington-esque limb structure that allows for a lot of experimentation in poses (though on the top panel, I kind of had to exaggerate his torso a bit). Also, against my wishes, I'm kind of starting to identify with him, mainly because he has my worst personality traits: egotism, absentmindedness, a short attention span, and a tendency to freak out disproportionately when things go wrong. This page, especially the last two panels, is probably one of my favorites.
Oh yeah. Inquiry of the Week (doot doo doooooooo!): What's your favorite thing to do with snow? (Mine would have to be… sled or ski in it, though earlier today I got stuck with my least favorite thing to do with snow, which is shovel it. That and wait for it to melt.)
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