well, me, I guess. Though I'm not exactly eligible for the prize. Ha.
This page took me, like, forever to make. And it didn't help that I had a million other things to do this weekend, like:
~Interview for a work-study position at the NSA. Hooray, next year I'll be working for… THE MAN. But I get paid $8.39 an hour. Selling out never felt so… well… so lucrative. ~Babysit my former guitar teacher's kids while they went away on some dinner banquet in Virginia. One of them is thirteen! Thirteen! I think he can handle watching over his nine-or-possibly-eleven-year-old brother for a few hours. Anyways, pretty much all he did was sit in his room and play Runescape and watch TV, which made the job that much easier. Later, all of us got together and played a game of Mexican train, and after both of the two little shavers got to bed I availed myself of their family's sweet satellite TV hookup. (I was watching the AZN network's What's Up, Thailand? when they got home. I had no idea Thailand had such a thriving rock scene…) ~Go to a curling exposition. It's the hot new sport that's sweepin' the nation– literally! Ah-haaaa. Anyways, this was kind of an open-house thing for beginners that was being held at a sports complex some distance from my house. The only problem was that my sister had a soccer game that she had to attend at 2:00 pm. So we took thirty minutes to drive up there (starting out at 11:00 am), we waited in line for an hour, and we eventually gave up and drove home in 30 minutes, giving Jilly barely enough time to get up to the field. Still, we're going to try to make the Drop-In league on Thursdays. I want to see if I have latent curling skillz hidden within my body. (Because God knows I'm not good at any other sports.) ~Eat dinner at my Grandma's. Nothing much to say about this, except we got these freakish things called "blukmanas" (or something like that) which basically consisted of a gigantic meatball covered in tomato skins and crammed inside a hollowed-out green pepper, then cooked. It wasn't half bad, considering it looked unimaginably repulsive. Think an Invasion of the Body Snatchers pod in embryo stage, and you're pretty close. ~Do homework. Boring. Except our altered book projects for art. Those are cool. ~Change sheets on bed, wipe spittle and toothpaste boogers off of bathroom fixtures. Still haven't done this. ~Sleep. Look, I've barely gotten any this weekend, and now, what with it nearing 11:00 pm, it looks like I'll have to do without for another night. I am slowly dying from a painful school workload here.
You better be lucky I got you anything at all. And I know this is kind of slapdash-looking. Deal with it, suckers.
TEO Inquiry of the Week (doot doo doooooo!): If your city was suddenly chosen to host the next Olympic venue, what would you feature in the little artistic portion at the opening and closing ceremonies? I mean, you could probably come up with something better than what they've done now. Take tonight's closing ceremony, for example: Italy had a guy hovering in mid-air for what seemed like hours, a bunch of clowns driving around in tiny cars, and ten thousand dancers and a brass band blaring out and dancing to the Village People's "Y.M.C.A.". Canada had four Native Canadians holding up a Snapple cap, a bunch of people running around with giant sugar cubes, and a kid holding up a dead fish. We can think up better ways to represent our city than this, people. Citius, Altius, Fortius, right?
The Battle of the Bands winner will be announced… next week. Why? Because it's part of the storyline. And because I haven't decided yet. And because I like to think that somewhere, across this wide, wide world, someone is squirming with anticipation for the next update of TEO.
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Login or Registerhpkomic at
Rock and roll.
Nice lyrics.
ZoeStead at
Wow…just wow!
ejb at
Yeah the effects look great and I really like the silhouette dance moves.
Hero at
Wow. You definitely seem to be going all out with this one. The effects are still swirling in my head after I look away.
Yeah. I don't know what my city would have at the Olympics. A woman with a huge Southern accent and a crown singing about the state? Okra? Fireworks?