Ultimate RO

Author notes

BlackDragon onYes, I'm still alive, barely XD I don't knwo why i havent updated, i guess i just havent been feeeling well. Anyway school is back so I'll prob only be able to update on weekends. But I need you guys to email me an d remind me! the update after next will have something interesting XD.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the loading screen XD XD Where I got this pic, I do not know. Search "catgirl" on google, lots of weird shit comes up XD
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I officially declare this comic dead…
BlackDragon at
I may update once more maybe, after my exams are done. Just changing all the sprite angels are hard. I'm a sprite edittor on my step brothers private server so I'm busy with that also i have assignments in 4 out of 6 classes and tests for the other two. So Busy!!
Just a preview for you guys, Next episode is VERY interesting. *giggles* well, maybe the one after next.
K005 at
Aaaw, I read it, for my comic NOBODY litterally reads it, I only hae like 3 comments total, oh wells, another comic gone…I guess I don't count thought because besides this comment the only ever one I wrote was on "Fuck the what" and I wrote that today @_@.
BlackDragon at
Im sorry but i have decided not to work on my comic anymore, custard is the only person that reads it and i never feel like working on it. Sorry.
Custard Trout at
At least you have good taste in filler.
Catgirl is pretty normal compared to some stuff, try 'vore', if you don't value your innocence.