Ultimate Science fiction death squad
Author notes
Mimarin onHoly crap that was a short hiatus. but yeah here are numbers 1-3 back again, I thought i would reference the fact their entire universe was destroyed and then re-created in the comic itself, but actually 49% of quantum spacetime anomallies result in the creation of either purple lizards (size varies), pineapple custard or beer.
let me just take this time to plug The Englishman which is a comic made by a friend of mine (the artist of atlantis princefaggynamethathechosenotme) based around what is generally refered to around these parts as a "bent copper" working as a freelance detective in newyork, it will have violence and nudity and the Ruger super redhawk .48 cal, which is possibly the nastiest handgun ever.
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I update whenever I can be bothered, usually once or twice a week on a tuesday wednesday or thursday.
ZedDiDragon at
Oh man, I want a quantum spacetime anomally that results in kittens. No wait.
Sweet, no hiatus after all. Do you have an update schedule?
Rich at
Now that was quick. And free beer too!
Garwik at
HOT DAMN! I was worried I'd be robbed of the delightful adventures of the USFDS!
Glad yer back!
thegreatjoebivins at