Urban Knight Extras

** Holiday 2007: Countdown to New Year **

Author notes

** Holiday 2007: Countdown to New Year **


This is very late, I realize that. Just like every single page in the past few years. -sigh-
December was ugly, what with my final exams and the gnashing of teeth. Then you've got holidays and blissful opportunities to sleep again. I started this page before the 1st but didn't get it done in time and the delay snowballed because I promptly left town for a week and a half before starting up with school again.

I think my New Year's resolution ought to be "make time for more Urban Knight". I'm going to set the quasi-realistic goal of getting one page out to you folks every month. This is January's. We shall see how Feb goes - it may be filler, it may be (I hope) story.


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