Used Books
Meredith's Plan

Author notes

Meredith's Plan


For those who don't remember, the purpose of this "mission" is retrieving the diaries left to Kaida by the Hardings' former chef (and Raidon's former driver). This particular plot point happened some 750-or-so ages ago. Here's a link. Sorry for the "art." And 200-some pages later, they found some of Carter's photos on an old camera.

Also, Valentine is here (despite Raidon's objections). Explanation coming soon.

ghostrunner & ComicMan86: Certainly true XD but may not apply in this case (since they were in the house they intended on being in).

Anubis: Lol. Me too.

Peipei: That’s true. Although it’s a much larger cabin, and the dog certainly has a presence. You can bet the Hardings’ place has much more family junk and clutter than a house being temporarily rented by an old man.


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