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I had a fun with this page. :) The Hardings are a down-to-earth bunch. For anyone who hasn't been in the ol' dusty archives, Alex and Mike are your basic frenemies. Mike was orphaned as a toddler, grew up in foster care and on the street, and dropped out of school for good as early as possible. (Recently he got his GED and enrolled in Uni with Mina and Amber's encouragement.) Alex is a baseball star and honor student, near the top of his class and basically enrolled in all the appropriate clubs and extra-curriculars. (He met Mike when he was kidnapped by Mike's "gang." ) Seiko claims both as the little brothers she always wanted.

Anubis: Couldn’t say if he’s a *real* doctor, but when a psycho killer tells you to call him “doctor,” it’s wise to humor him.

Peipei: To be fair, none of this group like each other much. XD At least Cass is wise to Val’s ways.

plymayer & skreem: Thanks!

ghostrunner: Knucklehead.


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