Used Books

Author notes



I had to shrink the text a bit for this page. Hope it's still readable. It's probably one of the simpler bits of art, but I really like panel 5 (Seiko in particular). I don't think I ever drew "angry" Puck before, but the pup has a trigger. (He has bitten before, and guns are loud. Puppy hates loud. – In this case, bad guys should hate loud too since they are trying not to alert the household.)

Oh, and if you are new to UB, those are the milestone chibis. They appear every hundred pages to have a party.

I am going on hiatus for a couple weeks. I will be online now and then, but I won’t be drawing. (I am hoping to absorb some inspiration and do some writing.) While I’m away, you can still stop by to see some of my old fan art, which I’ll be recycling as filler. The next new page will be posted on the 26th.

Warperwenger: Triple word score!

plymayer: Thanks!

ghostrunner: Tracking the elusive package.

Anubis: Not taking pup out would be a messy thing to do.

Peipei: The Hardings have a generally carefree life. Yuki has had it rough lately. It’s hard to tell whether she’s letting herself relax or putting on a front, but she certainly needs the vacation. I’m glad you enjoyed the page. I like it too. :)


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