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My early scripts were much more elaborate and frustrating. Under normal circumstances, Ricky is a pain in the ass sort of big brother, unlikely to give up answers and prone to giving Alex a hard time. However, for the sake of pacing, let's just say Ricky is too preoccupied with his pregnant wife and enjoying his vacation to do the usual pestering. Maybe he won the Scrabble game and is in a good mood.

Anubis: I don’t think Seiko knows what to think of him at this point.

LanceDanger: Haha. Wildly different genre than UB, though. XD

ghostrunner: And if you picket, it’ll never heal.

BarryCorbett: Nothing more romantic than a chunk of ear.

plymayer & Warpedwenger: Honestly, I was going to have him compare debilitating vs. disfiguring but I couldn’t come up with the words. And besides that, Gibson probably thinks Derek is too dim to follow a longer discussion.

Peipei: Gibson doesn’t want anyone to die unless there’s a commission involved. Probably doesn’t want to maim anyone either (not that he cares one way or another, as long as he gets his job done).


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