Used Books

Author notes



Thank you for your patience. There are many reasons I needed more time for this page, but the scope of the page was a big factor. I could have made an easy one like my script called for, but I had this last minute idea for these little character group vignettes, and it just seemed too cute to let pass unattempted.

Some decision points for me here included how to dress Caroline. (I decided that at least in the safety of her home surrounded by family, she could resume her cute tights and little flowing skirts.) I also wasn't sure what type of board game Conrad's team would be playing, but D&D played in the castle was too perfect. My sister helped me decide on the DM.

The next page will probably take a couple weeks too. I worked on this one down to the wire while at the same time organizing a big event for work.

Busy week considered, I took a little time for a small character feature of morally ambiguous henchman Dozer.


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