Used Books

Author notes



Updates two weeks in a row? This must be some kind of record! This week's page is brought to you by Tropical Storm Florence, whose presence closed my workplace and provided me with just enough extra time off to finish the page. A small bout of anxiety has also helped me channel my inner “Mike.” (I always draw him better when I'm in a low mood.)

Originally the last panel was a silent panel. Kaida's thought bubbles were a last-minute addition. I didn't feel her facial expression conveyed her thoughts effectively enough (and I wanted to draw attention to her, even though she is kinda in the background).

In unrelated news, I'm kinda in a financial bind due to some unexpected vet bills. If you want to help out, you can buy print (or digital) copies of Used Books, buy a necklace from my Etsy shop, or just flat out donate.


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