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Author notes



The meat of this arc never changed much from first draft. I was held back by a desire to make a B-plot, but a final desperate brainstorm with Tantz helped me realize it was neither necessary nor productive.

Tantz helped me with this arc mostly by asking the best questions. (Like, "Why do you need a B plot?" ) Another somewhat revealing question she asked was "Why would Raidon help?" The thing is, I KNEW the answer. It was obvious to me. But I hadn't thought of things as a reader, only as the omniscient world-crafter. So, I had to decide how to answer the question in the story without completely revealing all things (because omniscience is no fun).

Adding the little thought bubble for him a few pages back and tossing in this (extra) page are my answers to that question. I hope you find them sufficient but not so obvious to deny you glorious speculation.


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