Vampire Girl
Strip XXIV: Selfie

Author notes

Strip XXIV: Selfie


I believe that the time period in which VAMPIRE GIRL as a whole takes place has to be kept pretty vague and ambiguous as possible, because during the comic's original run in 2011-2012, selfies really weren't even a thing like they've become over the course of the previous decade . . . and even so, if you really paid any attention, any time you saw a character using a phone during Season/Chapter 1, it was always a landline phone (albeit cordless) . . . believe it or not, landlines do still exist. Either way . . . aren't Laura and Levana a little old for selfies anyway? I mean, neither of them are attention-seeking teenagers or anything; just sayin'. . . .

Otherwise, things really don't seem to be going smoothly for these two guys, do they? Take a chill pill, dude: sure, hospital cafeteria food kills on contact, but I seriously doubt it was Levana's intention to kill you when you seemingly tried to hit on her - she just gets tired of men always trying to come onto her, although unfortunately, that's the risk you run when you're an attractive young woman emitting a dark and mysterious aura, while you walk the streets only at night.

But, I digress.

That's right, an all-new VAMPIRE GIRL strip, and . . . uhh . . . hmm . . . y'know . . . maybe those closed-minded politicians had a point about that whole bathroom thing they curiously obsessed over. . . .


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