Vampirosis First Prev - New updates - I - Chronic #33 "The Manga" - I - Chronic #19 "New record" - I - Chronic #9 "The money" - I - Chronic #2 "Google-god" - I - Chronic #15 "The shelter" - Special - The Industry - I - Chronic #43 "Theme Park" - I - Chronic #11 "Look!" - I - Chronic #24 "Check...Checkmate?" - Special - "Happy" new year - I - Chronic #10 "Improvised Ventilator" - I - Chronic #17 "The last page" - I - Chronic #42 "Do you know...?" - I - Chronic #14 "Headache" - I - Chronic #5 "Meeting the family" - I - Chronic #1 "The hero" - Special - Good idea, Bad idea I - Chronics of a vampire - Prologue - 6 - Prologue - 5 - Prologue - 4 - Prologue - 3 - Prologue - 2 Prologue - 1 - Fanart - Elliot vs Blade - Vampirosis! Webcomic Next Last First Prev - New updates - I - Chronic #33 "The Manga" - I - Chronic #19 "New record" - I - Chronic #9 "The money" - I - Chronic #2 "Google-god" - I - Chronic #15 "The shelter" - Special - The Industry - I - Chronic #43 "Theme Park" - I - Chronic #11 "Look!" - I - Chronic #24 "Check...Checkmate?" - Special - "Happy" new year - I - Chronic #10 "Improvised Ventilator" - I - Chronic #17 "The last page" - I - Chronic #42 "Do you know...?" - I - Chronic #14 "Headache" - I - Chronic #5 "Meeting the family" - I - Chronic #1 "The hero" - Special - Good idea, Bad idea I - Chronics of a vampire - Prologue - 6 - Prologue - 5 - Prologue - 4 - Prologue - 3 - Prologue - 2 Prologue - 1 - Fanart - Elliot vs Blade - Vampirosis! Webcomic Next Last Author notes I - Chronic #24 "Check...Checkmate?" Gedanken on Jan. 5, 2008 You should never win against the house owner D:…Or you will be eaten… Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register cloudfish at 18 Jan, 2009, 03:52 PM Ha ha I have friends who play Chess like this ;D Gedanken at 04 Mar, 2008, 12:44 PM thx for the correction ^__^ Elleestmort at 04 Mar, 2008, 11:35 AM *Ate Janen at 07 Jan, 2008, 06:10 PM Que bueno que me dices porque casi siempre gano en ajedrez y no vaya ser que el suegro me ataque.
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Login or Registercloudfish at
Ha ha I have friends who play Chess like this ;D
Gedanken at
thx for the correction ^__^
Elleestmort at
Janen at
Que bueno que me dices porque casi siempre gano en ajedrez y no vaya ser que el suegro me ataque.