- Paddy and Me pg 5
- Paddy and Me pg 4
- There I am! Filler
- Lysander's Family filler
- Paddy and Me pg... I forgot
- Paddy and Me pg 2
Paddy and Me pg 1
- Manson Mayhem pg 3
- Manson Mayhem pg 2
- Happy Independance Day USA!
Manson Mayhem pg 1
Young Kidney
- Gerbil Portal end
Lysander chibi
Vevi chibi
Mary chibi
- Gerbil Portal pg 6
- Gerbil Portal pg 5
- Gerbil Portal pg 4
- Gerbil Portal pg 3
- Gerbil Portal pg 2
Gerbil Portal pg 1
Stalker, Meet Vevi; Vevi: Stalker pg 2
Stalker, Meet Vevi; Vevi: Stalker
VASK Page 2
VASK Page 1
Cover 1
Author notes
I forgot which page this was… oh well. ^^ The 12 year old boy is actually based off of the apperance of my brother, Collin. And, Paddy actually is based off of my apperance. :o
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