I was sorely tempted to make Vic's battlecry 'REDWAAAALLL!' just to see how many people got it, but…it was a little in left field even for me. So, boring old historical context won out again. Other than that, not much dialogue. In fact, the sound effects might outnumber the dialogue this time, which is different, since I'm not big on sound effects… And if anyone here actually speaks Romanian, I apologize in advance if anything is screwed up. Just correct me if I got something wrong, my limited Latin only takes me so far :/ .
Simplified Vic is fun. He's like a stick person with limbs.
Oh! And I should reply to my comments today, since I actually remembered for once. *ahem*
SailorPoison: Well, I'd say you called his bluff, but… I mean he DID fight with Richard the Lionhearted, he just…wasn't that great at it. ;) Spearmen don't really get that much training, if any.
x3022: Thanks!
Puff: I caught myself just in time. I was about to ink the bulb when I thought 'Heeeey! It's 1873!' And yeah, the outside panels were my favorites, too.
Ironwolf: That's me, trying to draw perspective with no guidelines or refs! 'Cause I like to make life difficult… ^^;
iagojester: Ah, but you CAN write like that. Just think back to all the mistakes you made in foreign language classes…
Wazaga: Well, he got 'em…Or rather, he got it. I'm sure he'd take comfort in knowing that someone out there was rooting for him.
Twilight of the gods: Ish. ;p
ZoeStead: Poor Vic. Edwards doesn't even have to be here and he's still the mackin-est!
Mina Lunga: I get the feeling that Vic at his worst still wouldn't faze even the meekest of you characters. Or most other people. The bucket…? He…gnawed it with his fangs. Yes. There is no plothole… We can move along now…
VinoMas: Vietnam! I hope you enjoyed yourself over there, but it's nice to have you back! Tall and strong? My, aren't we generous. ;) Tall, yes, I'll give you that. Strong? That's another animal.
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