Between the annual flat track races and the annual Civil War reenactment (why they have to be in the same week I have no idea), it's been a rather tiring few days. But I got a quill pen, so I suppose it balaces out.
Also, classes start again tomorrow, so maybe my time management skills will return and I'll be able to average more than one page a week. Speaking of which, it seems that this is the one hundredth page today. Took forever, but still…pretty sweet. Seems like just yesterday they were just little thumbnail sketches on a piece of printer paper. *sniff* They grow up so fast…
IronWolf: I think it's the shape of his face that does it. He's a little too feminine to carry off a handlebar moustache well…
Wazaga: You know, you're right! Mmmm….pringles…
SailorPoison: With all the vampire comics out there, I'm very flattered to hear that. :) Yes, the poor guy can make almost anything much more complicated that is necessary. I'm also starting to agree with you on the bit scene; Vic's so non-violent that I don't think I could have pulled that off…
Mina Lunga: But wait! There's more! But yes, he's quite the master of disguise in his own mind.
Krae: You so crazy. Lincoln had no handlebar moustache, you crazy person! :) Though I could see the resemblance if Vic had some whiskers…
Fyrsiel: I like that handprint. And I like that Scottie terrier. Scottie dogs, the Pringles man, Lincoln…Vic's practically an ink blot test!
Twilight of the gods: I rather agree. ^_^
ZoeStead: Thank you! Now I just need to catch up on everyone else's stories… ^~^
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