Author notes

Well, where's the plot?
rosie onHmmm yes. I've decided to start another comic again (after deleting the old one like year ago due to inactivity and total failage). WACKY stands for "Wenis and Cleavage Kissers (of) Yesterday". Thank you Steph (thirdperiodlunch) for coming up with the name late at night in stickam *heart*.
Basically the comic is about random things that happen - some might be somewhat sexual jokes, so I've labeled it as teens just in case. There're jokes that'll need explaining, but I'll do what Steph (thirdperiodlunch) does and explain it in the author's notes. Yeah. Well, this strip is self-explanatory. Stephie is Steph (thirdperiodlunch) and I'm "Roro". They're our bed names, apparently, according to a friend of ours. Yeah. Thought it'd be nice to use it.
-edit- Wow, my internet kind of died before I could fix up the notes. Anyways, uhm, the lineart is a bit simpler than what I usually do, only so I'll be able to get stuff up in a good, steady pace. Hopefully. Panel number + style might change eventually, colouring maybe (though don't hold your breath since I'm lazy), and straight lines = not gonna happen. Yep.
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Thirdperiodlunch at
Update Rosie. ;D
Steve the Jingo King at
I don't think Steph'll ever write you a story though.
Satans Mini Waffles at
Thirdperiodlunch at
Hay Roro. ;D Wanna make this teh yuri comic? *Nudgenudge*
I'll get to writing you a story eventually, I promise. :]
Zheror at
The name sounds sexy. I think. Not sure about the wenis part, but the cleavage is good.
fugli at
Love the linework and feel. Can't wait to see mo'.